To know Christ and make Him known

As a congregation we are committed to Mission both within our own congregations, and also reaching into our local community and beyond to overseas. The Mission we participate in is to see “everyone transformed by the love of Christ.” We are committed to being a living witness to Jesus Christ in Howick and beyond, declaring the saving grace of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit to change lives. We aspire to be: A community of love and friendship, where differences are embraced.


  • Building personal relationships with God through Jesus Christ
  • Worshipping together around Word and Sacrament
  • Passing on the faith
  • Caring for each other
  • Being kids friendly
  • Supporting and encouraging local and overseas mission
  • Providing a safe place of welcome and belonging
  • Serving with our time and abilities
  • Working to build a just and loving world
  • Contributing to the life and work of PCANZ Regionally and Nationally as we are able

TAONGA  (Treasures)

  • Our foundational documents – Scripture as it is contained in the Old and New Testament
  • Our heritage – being Presbyterian within our local community and the history that we bring to this – our local story
  • The Treaty of Waitangi
  • Our commitment to our Bi-Cultural heritage within a multicultural community
  • Our people, children, youth, families and older people united together
  • Our place – the land and buildings including our Historic Chapel & Cemetery

We seek to know Christ and make Him known through Worship, Teaching and Service.

For a full 5 year mission plan contact the office.