Sunday Morning Programmes

All ages meet together first in the church auditorium. Children and youth head out to their programmes part-way through the service.

Babies and Preschoolers – Young ones are welcome to stay with their parents in the service. There is a cry room which parents can take their children into if needed.

Kings Kids for pre-school and primary school ages. We have a fantastic programme for children each Sunday morning. Children meet in the church hall part way through the service. The programme is run by a team of safety-trained leaders, and combines learning bible stories, games and crafts.

Wired for intermediate and college ages meets in the cafe downstairs in our church building. In this programme, students cover a variety of important topics related to faith in an interactive way

Sunday afternoon/evening programmes

Intermediate and college ages meet fortnightly for a combination of fun, community building, learning and service. Click the link below to see our term planner or contact Matt Chamberlin.

Wired Term 1 Events Planner 2023

20-30s Home Group – Ignite

Our university age and young workers group meets fortnightly. Join us for a
shared dinner and the chance to connect with issues of life and faith relevant to that life stage. For more information please contact Matt Chamberlin.